Property legalisation

Legalising the illegally built properties has been regulated by the Act on Proceeding with Illegaly Built Buildings (Official Gazette number 86/12, 143/13, 65/17). Act amendments from 2017 have enabled the repeated submission of the application till June 30 2018 but the requirements stay the same: one can only legalize the buildings which were built i.e. which are visible on the digital ortophoto map of the State Geodetic Directorate made on the basis of the airial shootings done starting with June 21 2011 or on some other state digital ortophoto map, or the cadastral plan or some other cartographic projection created up to June 21 2011.
Buildings built after June 21 2011 can not be legalised based on the Act on Proceeding with Illegaly Built Buildings, not even with the new application submitted.

The procedure of legalisation starts by submitting the application for issuance of the decision on the as-built state to the relevant administrative department which issues building acts in the area where the building is located.

For those buildings that were built illegally or reconstructed after June 21 2011, and the owners wish to legalise them, it is required to contact the local administrative body in charge with issuing the building permits so as to check the possibility of regulating the building's status according to the Construction Law.


If you decide to legalise your properties, we offer you the service of legalisation by our associate architects and surveyors.
To start the legalisation process contact us at: